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13 posts tagged with "igalia"

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· 4 min read
Asumu Takikawa

Hello folks. Today I'm excited to share with you about some work I've been hacking on in Firefox's WebAssembly (AKA Wasm) engine recently.

The tl;dr summary: starting in Firefox 78 (released June 30, 2020), you will be able to write WebAssembly functions that pass 64-bit integers to JavaScript (where they will turn into BigInts) and vice versa.

· 22 min read
Asumu Takikawa

Recently I've been studying the semantics of WebAssembly (wasm). If you've never heard of WebAssembly, it's a new web programming language that's planned to be a low-level analogue to JavaScript that's supported by multiple browsers. Wasm could be used as a compilation target for a variety of new frontend languages for web programming.

· 8 min read
Asumu Takikawa

A while back, I wrote a blog post explaining some of the basics of writing plugins for the VPP networking toolkit.

In that previous post, I explained a few mechanisms for hooking a plugin into VPP's graph architecture so that your code can process incoming packets.

I also briefly mentioned something called DPOs (data path objects) but didn't explain what they are or how they work. Since then, I've been reading and hacking on code that involves DPOs, so I'd like to attempt to explain them in this post.

· 9 min read
Asumu Takikawa

Recently, my teammate Jessica wrote an excellent intro blog post about VPP. VPP is an open source user-space networking framework that we're looking into at Igalia. I highly recommend reading Jessica's post before this post to get aquainted with general VPP ideas.

In this blog post, I wanted to follow up on that blog post and talk a bit about some of the details of plugin construction in VPP and document some of the internals that took me some time to understand.

· 7 min read
Asumu Takikawa

As you know if you've been following this blog, at Igalia we build network functions using the Snabb toolkit. When we're not directly working on customer projects, we often invest time into building new features into Snabb.

One of these recent investments has been building a basic IP flow export (IPFIX) app for Snabb. The app is now available in the v2017.08 Snabb release. The app's documentation is up on the web here.