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· 7 min read
Asumu Takikawa

As you know if you've been following this blog, at Igalia we build network functions using the Snabb toolkit. When we're not directly working on customer projects, we often invest time into building new features into Snabb.

One of these recent investments has been building a basic IP flow export (IPFIX) app for Snabb. The app is now available in the v2017.08 Snabb release. The app's documentation is up on the web here.

· 11 min read
Asumu Takikawa

My first task when I joined Igalia was experimenting with building networking apps with pfmatch and the Snabb framework. I mentioned Snabb in my last blog post, but in case you're just tuning in, Snabb is a framework built on LuaJIT that lets you assemble networking programs as a combination of small apps---each implementing a particular network function---in a high-level scripting environment.

Meanwhile, pfmatch is a simple DSL that's built on pflua, the subject of my last blog post. The idea of pfmatch is to use pflang filters to implement a pattern-matching facility for use in Snabb apps.

· 7 min read
Asumu Takikawa

Now that I work at Igalia on the networking team, I've started to write code in Lua (specfically with LuaJIT) in order to work with Snabb. Since I'm still a Lua newbie, I decided to attend this year's Lua Workshop in San Francisco to learn what's going on in the community.

The workshop was a lot of fun! Kudos to Mashape for hosting the event. The talks were easy to follow even for a Lua newbie like myself. I took notes on all of the talks, but I won't go over all the details since the talks were recorded and you can just see for yourself. Instead, I wanted to go over some of my personal highlights.